Thesaurus - 中欧社会论坛 - China Europa Forum


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Terms collected when translating documents for the Forum

The purpose is to build up a thesaurus of :
- concepts or expressions that are difficult to translate from one language to another
- new terms in the vocabulary.

Result from a strong cooperation

This thesaurus is the result of a strong cooperation between the Forum and the master students of Esit. The collections you will find below were written based on a precise enumeration of the difficulties translators met when they translated documents from workshops of the second biennial meeting of 2007.

In each collection, you will find the original word or phrase and its translation in French, English or Chinese; a statement - attested / proposed / estimated - called transcription possible in the case of proper names, indicating the reliability of the translation scale from 1 to 3, indicating the area financial, technical … and the references of the source document.

Join !

This database is dedicated to translators, participants of the forum, or more generally to all curious people.

You are a translator, an university language and simply interested in our work: this is for you, do not hesitate to get involved or send us your feedback.

Find the collection of names on the [WIKI-Forum>…]: You are a participant and you already have a Chinese name, please register and add it!


- Term base [. Pdf 410 KB]

- Proper Names: celebrities [. Pdf 31 KB]

- Proper Names: politicians [. Pdf 70 KB]

- Proper Names: institutions [. Pdf 51 KB]

- Proper Names: participants of the forum [. Pdf 120 KB]

- Proper Names: historical and contemporary [. Pdf 84 KB]

- Proper Names: toponyms [. Pdf 49 KB]

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