三坊七巷古民居维修用木材及遗存木构件保护 - 中欧社会论坛 - China Europa Forum



摘 要:本文以“三坊七巷”古民居维修用木材及遗存木构件的保护为研究对象,通过实践与分析研究,全面介绍了木材的干燥、防腐、防虫处理方式方法及相关的药剂配方,为传统建筑木构架的材料得到更好的修缮与保护提供了较为详实的理论依据。 关键词:三坊七巷、木材、干燥、含水率、防腐防虫、药剂吸收、木结构保护 The protection of wood for ancient house maintenance and its remains of components in three lanes and seven alleys Luo jing lie Fuzhou Planning and Design Institute

ABSTRACT: This article aims at researching both the lumber of "Three lanes and seven alleys " historic building which used by servicing and safeguard of remains timber compoment.According to the practice and analysis, it introduce processing mode which contain dryness of lumber, antisepsis of lumber, mothproof of lumber,those providing rationale for servicing and safeguard lumber. KEY WORDS: Three lanes and seven alleys Lumber Dryness Antisepsis and mothproof Rate of water content Medicament assimilate