Organisational learning in the share capital―entrepreneurship―business performance equation: a case study of start-ups in Jiangsu and Guangdong - 中欧社会论坛 - China Europa Forum

Organisational learning in the share capital―entrepreneurship―business performance equation: a case study of start-ups in Jiangsu and Guangdong

Jiang Chunyan and Zhao Shuming

From Guanli Shijie (Management World), Vol.10, 2006, pp 90-111

Two main methods exist in organisational learning: “exploration” and “exploitation”. They are very different from one another, rely on their own unique strategies, and do not affect business performance in the same way. Exploration learning improves performance through the creation of new products, which requires heavy short-term investment and has little impact on the company’s financial results during that period. Exploitation learning mainly consists of perfecting already existent products, which quickly and significantly improves business performance.

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