World Gouvernance A European Personal View - 中欧社会论坛 - China Europa Forum

World Gouvernance A European Personal View

Authors: Michel Rocard

There is no such thing as a formalised official European view on the problems of global governance.

But there is most likely a European cultural bias in the way most European citizens feel about it, and in the way the European nations have collectively behave about this problem.

The main European consensus turns around the fact that our planet suffers presently from many threats.

  • The first is ecological and includes the risk of a dangerous change in the climate, produced by the excess in green house effect gas, a fast growing diminution of bio diversity, and a vast excess of waste and rubbish matters.

  • The second is the extension of national violences and crisis caused by identity frustrations or denials.

  • The trad is terrorism.

  • The fourth is the reappearance of mass poverty and precarious work even in rich countries.

  • And the fifth is the enormity of the financial disequilibrium which appears presently and is by no means sustainable for long time.

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