Bologna as a frame for Competence Based Learning and Supervision? - 中欧社会论坛 - China Europa Forum

Bologna as a frame for Competence Based Learning and Supervision?

Authors: Jan Agten

The current article addresses the question whether the Bologna Declaration provides space for organising supervision in Social Work Education. Is supervising social work students an educational activity that fits into the Bologna process? How does the Bologna process effects supervision?

The first part gives in insight in the Bologna process and its effects on Higher Education in Europe. The shift from defining Aims and objectives into Learning Outcomes illustrates redominately the main changes.

In the second part the focus is on actual changes in understanding learning, in the learning concepts and in the learning context. Consequently modularisation of the education is to create a learning environment which provides challenges and opportunities for real learning.

The third part tackles the complicated issue of competencies. How to formulate competencies and how to assess them are the main questions underlining the current discussion.

The forth part shortly outlines the key elements of supervision as a compulsory and powerful instrument to train social work students and to equip them with the key competencies for the job. A description of the supervision methodology illustrates how self learning and self awareness can be facilitated.

A competence based curriculum is a turning point in organising social work education, which takes the risk for the future development of the profession and the lifelong learning of the


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