International practice at Lithuanian social work institutions - 中欧社会论坛 - China Europa Forum

International practice at Lithuanian social work institutions

Violeta Gevorgianiene

The general aim of the course is to engage students in a supervised social work practice and to provide opportunities to build, consolidate, integrate and apply basic theoretical knowledge, skills, techniques, values in the field setting and to strengthen the link between theory, research and practice. The course attempts to develop students’ ability to apply universal social work principles working with internationally relevant social work cases in a local context.

Basic requirements for a practice training institution:

institution is to carry out social work of a corresponding character;

practice training institution is to be an adequate place for the implementation of social work practice programme purposes and goals,

head of the institution is to agree to accept a student trainee from another country, and to create adequate conditions (to appoint a practice supervisor, create a working place, allow the trainee to watch how specialists work, create a chance to work independently, assign practical training tasks, supply documentation and working means);

to guarantee the appointment of a practice training supervisor having a degree in social work and relevant working experience, able to speak a relevant foreign language (Russian, Polish, German, English, Italian or any other, if needed), and willing to act as a practice teacher (that is to give consultations to the trainee, supervise his/her work, teach and assess him/her, and co-operate with the person in charge of students’ practice on a university level);

institution is to guarantee that the working conditions offered to the student will answer standard requirements for labour safety, health and hygiene;

Structure of social work practice

International Social work practice at Vilnius University consists of 2 parts:

1.Students’ work in the practice placement under supervision of a field practice teacher.

2.Practice reflection at seminars with the university practice teacher.

The specific responsibilities of the field practice teacher are as follows:

to acquaint students with the policy and rules of the institution: to provide orientation to the institution, its mission, policy, rules, services

to introduce to the staff and help to integrate into professional community

to introduce to the clients

to discuss the process of social work which is carried out in the institution

to discuss students’ needs, design the practice plan and organize daily SW practice activities (to provide a sufficient number and variety of assignments for learning)

to discuss grievance procedures

to plan the education experience for the student and to provide direct supervision

to evaluate the students’ practice process

to contact the university teacher if there are problems

Role of a university practice teacher

The role of a university practice teacher is:

a) to facilitate the consolidation of theoretical knowledge and reflection on the practice with reference to students’ own experience, as well as

b) to provide students with resources, network connections and academic as well as social support.

During the seminars at the University a foreign language (usually English) becomes for international students with different academic backgrounds a relevant tool for mutual understanding and cross-cultural reflection and learning.

The schema of university seminars:

After the clarification of students’ learning needs and expectations and general introduction to the course theoretical introduction to the social care system of Lithuania is made. Then in each seminar certain activities take place: 1) Reflection of field practice experiences, 2) Contextual presentation of Lithuanian social work system: this is done by successively analyzing a social work case which is internationally relevant and enables students to practice cross-cultural research skills and analyze social cultural differences.

The international social work practice is assessed in the 10 grade scale. The mark is cumulative and is comprised of: 1) the evaluation of an institution practice teacher; 2) the self-assessment of a student; 3) the evaluation of the university practice teacher, who assess a student’s final report and student’s work at seminars.