Women’s Life Stories: Transcending barriers of continuity through the development of alternative discourses of ageing and identity - 中欧社会论坛 - China Europa Forum

Women’s Life Stories: Transcending barriers of continuity through the development of alternative discourses of ageing and identity

Authors: Sue McPherson

Date: août 2005

URL: www.diversityinretirement.net/WomenGrowingOlder/WGO.html

By the time women become older women, their identities have probably undergone

reconstruction, reorganisation, and revamping. Memories will be rethought, lives will be

structured anew, more than once, and attempts will have been made to restore what once was

to its original condition. Women find ways to cope with the long-term effects of living life as

a woman, and with the ageing process itself. In this paper, I shall draw on women’s life

stories, to explore the dynamics of discourse and identity, examining differences in narrative

styles of the participants and the influence of discourse embedded in our minds and culture. It

is the lives of earlier cohorts of women that enable us to see how discourses change over

time, how their power wanes or increases – and how women adapt, cope, and resist.

Discussed in this paper are the themes of continuity throughout the life cycle and alternative

lives, which can be used to examine and understand the lives of those whose identities fall

outside traditional discourses of life cycle development.

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