Technology Transfer: Achieving Balance in New Ways, Old Way and Always - 中欧社会论坛 - China Europa Forum

Technology Transfer: Achieving Balance in New Ways, Old Way and Always

International Patent Licensing Seminar

Authors: Patrick L. Jones

Date: 2008

Published by Report of the International Patent Licensing Seminar 2008

Patrick L. Jones (President, Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM))It is important to speak of technology transfer as a profession in balance because a university environment is different from the business world. I will talk about my organization, AUTM, the world of academic technology transfer, some emerging themes beyond patent licensing, competition, and relationships with industry. Within a university or academic research environment, technology transfer’s goal is impact through directed effort, emerging models include broad IP management including patents and beyond. There is no single technology transfer model, which leads to tremendous creativity in our practitioner communities.

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