Survey of communication channels for the concerns of the underprivileged - 中欧社会论坛 - China Europa Forum

Survey of communication channels for the concerns of the underprivileged

Authors: Chen Yingfang

Date: 2003

Extract from ” Zhanlüe yu guanli (Strategy and management) No.6, 2003“

Published by Zhanlüe yu guanli (Strategy and management) No.6, 2003

Abstract: Over the past few years, problems arising from the widening income gap and the growing discontent of the working class population have fully captured the public’s attention. The respondents of this survey are those who have suffered the impact of this problem, including laid off civil servants, residents of underprivileged areas, victims of expropriation, migrant workers and those who are now homeless. Among other things, the survey describes their living conditions and the threats to their welfare, their primary demands and their desire to express themselves. It also describes the methods and channels used to voice their concerns and their progress so far. Results of the survey show that the respondents are unhappy and believe they are being deprived of their rights. It also reveals that existing communication channels are not popular among this category of the population who, furthermore, do not find them very effective when used. Mass protests are on the increase and respondents consider them to be the most effective means of making themselves heard. Moreover, the systems put in place by the government do not give the underprivileged many channels for voicing their concerns.

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