Social organisation, social capital and political-economic developments - 中欧社会论坛 - China Europa Forum

Social organisation, social capital and political-economic developments

Chen Jianmin, Qiu Haixiong


Published in Sociological Studies, Issue no. 4

Abstract: Drawing on the notion of ‘social capital’, this article analyses the role of social organisations. It shows that their development not only enhances mutual trust and reciprocal exchange, but also diminishes the ‘free-riding’ phenomenon1 in public affairs and on the market, and also reduces bilateral interest-harming actions. Western researchers reveal that a civic society in which there is mutual trust and reciprocal exchange, together with active citizen participation in community services, is a key factor in social development. Not only will it ameliorate the effectiveness and efficiency of government functions, it can also enhance the country’s economic progress. The article investigates whether these organisations could perform such functions in the course of their own development.

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