Made in China: Women Factory Workers in a Global Workplace - 中欧社会论坛 - China Europa Forum

Made in China: Women Factory Workers in a Global Workplace

Authors: Pun Ngai

Date: 2005

Published by Duke University Press, Durham

China is going through an era of great transformations as it continues to integrate into the global economy. Women factory workers are forming a new social identity as the products of this new era fraught with contradictions and conflicts.

This book is an ethnographic work on women factory workers. It discusses power, desire and resistance viewed through an in-depth and detailed study of a Hong Kong-financed electronics factory in Shenzhen. The author sheds considerable light on the women factory workers by placing them in the broad social and cultural background of a rapidly-changing China. Through various aspects such as production, current social relations and local cultural practice, the author analyses how training technologies, identity recognition and differentiated policies play their roles in forming these women factory workers.

The book is also a political study about their rebellion. The author paints a vivid picture of the factory’s domination and women’s resistance. The women’s fears and hardships are the most realistic demonstrations of their struggle against the triple oppressions of state, capital, and culture.

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