The Present State of Chinese Philanthropic Foundations - 中欧社会论坛 - China Europa Forum

The Present State of Chinese Philanthropic Foundations

Zi Zhongyun


Together with the thriving of economy and rapid groth GDP in China during the last decade or so, the polarization of society has also been growing rapidly. Therefore, the age-old idea of charity has spontaneously emerged. The government attitude and policy have also become more and more positive and encouraging. At present the main body of NPOs doing philanthropic work is composed of GONGOs (Government owned non-government organizations), a special product of the Chinese system. For NPOs initiated by private sources, individual or corporate, the main obstacles lie in the “double registration” regulation and the vague tax policy. However, a quite spacious area could be explored between what is explicitly prohibited and what is positively legal. It can be called the “grey area”. It is in this area that the burgeoning of all kinds of philanthropy has been witnessed by the last few years. Besides individual efforts, there is also a rising consciousness among the more modern minded entrepreneurs . The term of “corporate citizenship” has emerged as well as the concept of “CSR”. Together, they are contributing positively to education, poverty alleviation, environmental protection, help for women, children and the disabled, as well as academic pursuits. This phenomena shows the irreversible tide stemming from the strong demands of the society and a rich reservoir of good will. Despite the inmature state and various obstacles, on balance, favorable elements far exceed obstructing ones and one can say that the beginning of the 21st century coincides with a new stage of philanthropy in China. While it is a part of the building of civil society, there is still a long way to go before a full civil society will come into being in China as Westerners might expect.

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