Looking at Aids Prevention with New Concepts - 中欧社会论坛 - China Europa Forum

Looking at Aids Prevention with New Concepts

Date: 1 décembre 2006

Published by Nanfang Daily

Today is the 19th « World Aids Day ». This year the theme is: « Stop Aids. Keep the Promise ». While the theme has not changed, a number of new things have appeared – for example, we have moved away from our ignorance of Aids prevention, and people have began to look more openly at Aids and this special group. Of course, the struggle between ignorance and general knowledge goes on as ever in our country, and the outcome of this [struggle] will impact the social management concepts used [in China to combat Aids].

Measured by traditional concepts, the examples below are perhaps rebellions against orthodoxy: On October 11, 50 female sex workers in the city of Harbin received education on Aids prevention and the use of condoms openly and publicly for the first time, making clear their identities and profession; Guangzhou has officially opened a « Work Team for Aids At-risk Groups », which not only has held more than 30 free Aids education events, giving out more than 30,000 free condoms, but has also offered training to those managing people working in the sex industry (性从业人员的管理者).

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