Topics for debates - 中欧社会论坛 - China Europa Forum

Topics for debates

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- T24a_1 - How do Chinese and Europeans cope with the dynamic and unpredictable complex situations( natural or man-made) in the disastrous area so that the psychological aids could be in continuence ?

- T24a_2 - Under diverse regional cultural systems, how do Chinese and Europeans mobilize various social groups and collaborate with different specialties to provide psychological aids to children and youth in disastrous area?

- T24a_3 - Professionals in both China and Europe approve that supporting psychotherapy could enable children and youth get well through happiness in games and activities, however,the understandings to whether children could be happy differenciate in various cultures, how do both Chinenes and Europeans deal with it?

- T24a_4 - How do both Chinese and Europeans enhance the professional training to social workers, and provide more effectual psychoaids to rescuers on the front lines?

- T24a_5 - How do Chinese and Europeans enhance children and youth’s knowledge and understanding towards disasters via comprehensive social resources and systems?

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