Categories, groups and poles - 中欧社会论坛 - China Europa Forum

Categories, groups and poles

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This classification of workshops, also called nomenclature, is essential for:

  • list documents and iarticles sent by participants, in our database and on this website. The research in the documentary base can be done by keywords or by workshops’ codes;
  • to do cross analysis and compare the workshops’ outputs belonging to the same group ;
  • list new proposals that will emerge during the next biennial of the Forum while keeping the previous workshops.

2 categories

The workshops are either socio-professional – including people and institutions from the same field wishing to deepen their mutual understanding and to pool their thinking on their role and responsibilities in society; or theme-based – for players interested in thinking about the same theme.

9 groups and sub-groups

S1- The role and responsibility of professionals of creation and transmission of knowledge and values S11 (Philosophes and religious); S12 (Artists and sportsmen); S13 (Scientists and experts) ; S14 (Teachers); S15 (Journalists and mediators)
S2- Place, role and responsibility of the various social groups S21 (Women); S22 (Youth and Children); S23 (Migrants and ethnical minorities); S24 (Poors and social outcasts); S25 (Retired people); S26 (Health and social workers); S28 (Inhabitants)
S3- Role and responsibility of the stakeholders of economy and finance S31 (Executives and Business managers of Big Multinational Companies); S32 (Executives and Business managers of SME and family business); S33 (Professionals of the financial sector); S34 (Craftmanship); S35 (Actors of the primary sector); S36 (Consumers) ; S37 (Actors of the social and solidarity economy); S38 (Industry and services workers and employees); S39 (Social and environmental responsibility of the actors of economy)
S4- Role and responsibility of the actors of the Public sector S41 (Leaders and managers of local authorities); S42 (Leaders and managers at State’s level); S43 (Jurists); S44 (Servicemen); S45 (Public service employees); S46 (Citizen); S47 (Civil society organizations)
T1 -Creation, transmission and sharing of values and knowledges T11 (Ethics, philosophy, religion); T12 (Art, identity, culture); T13 (Science and technics); T14 (Education); T15 (Media); T16 (Dialogue between societies); T17 (Prospective, long-term evolution of societies)
T2- Society, social organization, lifestyles T21 (Evolution of population, demography, family and family policy, gender relations and relations between generations); T22 (Social policies and struggle against poverty); T23 (International and domestic migrations ; urban and countryside relations; mobility policies); T24 (Health and social security policies, retirement systems); T25 (Economic and social rigths); T26 (Housing policy); T27 (Lifestyles, quality of life)
T3- Economy T31 (Organisation of supply chains); T32 (Management of big companies; international economy); T33 (Financial, fiscal and monetary policy; Financial institutions ; Credit); T34 (Evolution of the economic network; Role and position of the SME); T35 (Economic and territorial development of cities and countryside); T36 (Organisation of the job market; job policies; labour relations); T37 (Tourism)
T4- Objectives, methods and levels of governance from local to global T41 (Urban governance); T42 (State, State’s reform); T43 (Regional integration and world governance); T44 (Juridical system, law, peace and security); T45 (The conception and management of public services); T46 (The participation of citizens in the management of the society); T47 (General principles of governance and their implementation); T48 (Public service and training to public affairs)
T5- Relations between humankind and biosphere T51 (Sustainable development policy; harmonious society); T52 (Water Management); T53 (Energy Management); T54 (Land management and land policies); T55 (Global management of ecosystems); T56 (Domestic and wild biodiversity); T57 (Climate change)

5 Poles

Workshops can also be listed by pole, as indicated in the pamphlet of the Forum. The poles include socioprofessional and thematic workshops.

Pole 1 :Values, religion, art, culture, education, sciences and technology, medias (groups S1 and T1) Pole 2 : Society, social organisation, lifestyles (groups S2 and T2) Pole 3 : Economy : production and markets, labour, consumers, financial sector (groups S3 and T3) Pole 4 :Objectives, methods and levels of governance from local to global (groups S4 and T4) Pôle 5 : Relations between humankind and biosphere ; natural resources management (group T5)