T12g Art teaching - 中欧社会论坛 - China Europa Forum

T12g Art teaching

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Workshop presentation

Art education, the place of cultural exchanges and arts education in the national education system

Topics for debates

A) Topics for debate from Europe:

- Organization of arts education
- Attitude of teachers
- Interaction between teaching art and social environments professionals
- Diplomas
- Exchange between schools and countries
- What is an artistic approach?
- Professionalization of Teaching
- Question of the marketization
- The monitoring of students after their training
- Joint activities between Chinese and European

More details proposals in French

B) Motions for debate from China:

- Different models of arts education
- Arts education and cultural innovation
- Relations between artistic exchanges and education of art
- Different approaches to art education in cultural production
- Relationship between education and contemporary artistic creation
- Question of arts education in popular education
- Design of arts education in modern Europe and historical research and reflection from the introduction of this system in China
- Comparison of arts education between Europe and China (type of school system, teacher and source of students, programs and teaching materials, teaching methods, etc.)
- Contribution of expérience on arts education

About us

European Prime Mover: Pierre-Normann GRANIER, manages a website and a magazine on comptemporary art (France/Chine). He is a Photograph and a teacher at the Fine Art School of Paris.
Chinese Prime Mover : Li Gongming (李公明), Professor at Canton Fine Art Institute, head of the Faculty of Art history .

Participants to the workshop held in July 2009 in China

Laurence Aegerter, French, lives and works in Amsterdam. She is a multidisciplinary visual artist using mostly photograpy as a medium.Aegerter is also working in the art educational branche since 15 years, in the Rijksmuseum (Dutch National Gallery), Van Gogh Museum and Hermitage museum Amsterdam, as a program developper and teacher ; Rémy Aron; Daniel Purroy, French Artist ; Emilie Bonnard, French Artist living actually in China; Sun Guangkuo, Chinese Artist and Student at l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris La Villette

XIN Lijian (信力健); WEI Bi (魏壁); LIANG Xiaoyan (梁晓燕); LIAO Ling’er (廖陵儿); LI Fangfang (史方方); PENG Yanhan (彭嫣菡); LU xing (卢甡); ZHANG Wenlei (张文磊); CHEN Yu (陈宇); CENG Min’er (曾敏儿); GUAN Xiaolei (关小蕾); DAN Ni’er (丹尼尔)

Workshop’s news

This workshop was held in China, Guangzhou, July, 17-20, 2009