Social group revolution in China-mapping Chinese associations - 中欧社会论坛 - China Europa Forum

Social group revolution in China-mapping Chinese associations

Auteurs : Wang Shaoguang, He Jianyu

Date : 2004 (6)

Publié par Zhejiang Academic Journal

Abstract: Cast against the background of a global revolution in social groupings, social groups in China have been in the academic spotlight. Is China playing a role in this revolution? Past studies have already given a vivid portrait of social organisations in the country. Yet they often observe them from a civic society perspective, stressing mostly registered civil society organisations and NGOs. They have left out numerous other ways of affiliation that have permeated into the daily lives of the Chinese people. This article attempts to fill this gap by gathering information through various sources in the hope of giving a broader picture of these social groups that cover all kinds of quasi-governmental organisations and grass-roots communities.

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